psychoeducational evaluation
Comprehensive testing for students struggling academically at school (cognitive + achievement testing)
neuropsychological testing
Comprehensive testing for students struggling with processing, memory, executive functioning, or attention (cognitive testing)
mental health evaluation
These evaluations are completed in one 90-minute visit and are appropriate for students struggling with mental health such as anxiety or depression.
gifted testing
Our gifted testing services aim to identify our clients’ exceptional abilities and provide personalized strategies to help them excel in every aspect of life.
adhd evaluation
Basic diagnostic evaluation for ADHD. If academic concerns are present, a psychoeducational evaluation is needed instead.
autism evaluation
Basic diagnostic evaluation for Autism. If academic concerns are present, a psychoeducational evaluation is needed instead.

Download Our Free Guide
Download Our Free Guide
Are you wondering if you child has ADHD, but not sure where to start? Did your child recently receive a diagnosis, but you still have more answers? Our guide is filled with the most relevant information and resources for where to start when it comes to parenting a child with ADHD.